Prices are subject to change without notice.
Sales Tax and
Applicable tax will be added to your order total. Tax will be applied to orders shipped to IL.
We will try to complete your order in a single shipment. From time to time we may have to deliver a series of partial shipments or deliver from multiple locations.
Payment Methods
Payment methods accepted: Visa, Master Card, American
Express and Discover.
Net Terms available upon request and approval for all non-web orders.
Minimum requirement of $1,000.00 for all terms purchase orders.
Return Policy
We pride ourselves on accurately filling our orders. However, situations may arise that may require the return of products.
To make a return, simply call Customer Service at 800-305-1664 to receive an authorization and to make shipping arrangements.
Of course, you won't be charged for return of product that is damaged, shipped in error by us, or out of specification. However, you will be charged for the return freight of a product that you ordered in error. Besides return freight, you may be charged a restocking fee.
Some stock items require additional machining and might not be eligible for return.
To help reduce costs and to provide good value to our customers, returns cannot be authorized for any reason after 30 days from the date of delivery.